- No Art For Free
- Not Appropriate For Funders
- No Apparent Function Fulfilled
- Nearly Always Fucking Fails
- Never Actually Feeling Fine
- Northern AFFect
Naff theory is a nonexistent intellectual and aesthetic movement. If it existed, it would probably be similar to queer theory or crip theory.
Normative urban futurism demands creative and conceptual effort be spent - often unpaid - imagining positive futures for miserable places.
Naff theory adopts a killjoy approach to urbanism and regeneration, and rejects the demand to fabricate happy objects out of unhappy conditions.
Naff theory names the crisis of imagination that got us here.
Naff theory destigmatises cheap tat.
Everything is a bit naff.
Naff readings
Olufemi et al (2023) Structurally Fucked (PDF download, 1.6 MB)